New Executive body online meeting
On 23rd March 2020 at 4 pm the first meeting of the executive committee was held online due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The honorable Advisor of the IEEE ULAB SBC of 2020 Dr. Nafees Mansoor, the assistant professor of the department of CSE at ULAB and counselor of IEEE ULAB Student Branch, was the key speaker.
Dr. Nafees Mansoor is a researcher who has won the Best Research Proposal Award at the JACTIM Research Proposal Contest in 2012 (Malaysia), as well as best paper awards at ICAICT 2016 (Bangladesh), RISP-NCCP 2015 (Malaysia), AUN/SEED-Net ICEEE 2014 (Malaysia), and MJJIS 2013 (Japan). He has been an Assistant Professor and is also an associate editor for IEEE Access®, a multidisciplinary magazine that has won awards. Cognitive Radio Networks, Wireless Communications, and Network Protocols & Standards are among his main research interests. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia awarded him a Ph.D. (UTM). He graduated from Independent University in Bangladesh with a BSc in Computer Science (Cum Laude honored) and an MSc in Telecommunication Engineering (IUB).
The meeting’s agenda featured the revising of IEEE ULAB SB LOGO, the increment in the number of events, updating the website with ex-com picture details, Vtools Update, Member growth from 2016-2020, details of the members and increasing member engagement for different events.