Webinar on Cyber Security Current Trends and Future Directions
Cyber Security Current Trends and Future Directions is an online event organized by IEEE ULAB student branch on 20 August 2020 at 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM and it was hosted by Mohammad Shahriar Rahman, Ph.D Associate Professor, Department of CSE.
Mohammad Shahriar Rahman was an Associate Professor and Acting Head of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). He worked at the University of Asia Pacific (UAP) in Dhaka, Bangladesh, before coming to ULAB.
I’ve also worked for KDDI Research in Japan’s Information Security group. He taught in Bangladesh University of Professionals as a visiting lecturer.
At this event it was said that In this time of global pandemic,when more and more people are relying on virtual platforms, the number of cyber crimes and threats are increasingly massive. With proper knowledge, this problem can be easily averted. Moreover, when the whole world is facing a job crisis, there is still a lack of experts in the cyber security field to protect millions of users from this vulnerability.
However it also taught us how to learn more about how to protect yourself and others in this virtual and online world. Therefore, it was a wonderful session taken by our speaker and also it creates a positive vibe among all the listeners .